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The Conversation Continues: A Discussion on Race & Allyship


With everything our community has experienced in these last few weeks, the brutal and unjust death of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement have served as a reminder that many structural inequalities still exist in our communities today. We saw many people, of all nationalities and backgrounds come together to send leaders a message that the system is still not working to serve and protect them equally.

Building stronger cross-racial alliances is important in the movement for racial equity. Upon speaking to local community organizers and leaders, we discussed how we could provide additional information about the movement, its goals, and how we can all be better allies to the Black community here in Ventura County.

I have partnered with the NAACP - Ventura County Chapter to host "The The Conversation Continues: A Discussion on Race & Allyship." This will be a Facebook Live event hosted on my Facebook page on Wednesday, July 8 from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Viewers can tune in to hear from a distinguished group of Black voices in our community. If you'd like, please submit any questions beforehand.

We hope you will join us in learning more about how we all can support one another.