Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin and the City of Thousand Oaks Invite You to Attend "911 Emergencies in the 805"
Saturday, July 9
10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza
2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd
Drought, Fire and More
Two panels of subject experts will speak on 1) The details on local water restrictions, ways to conserve water and looking to the future 2) Exploring drought tolerant landscaping and native plants.
This FREE event will also feature booths, workshops, emergency vehicles - including fire trucks and police units, kid finger printing, and information on all kinds of Emergencies in the 805. Ventura County Behavioral Health will be there with information on fentanyl safety and overdose kits, Los Robles Regional Hospital will be doing blood pressure checks, Ventura County EMS will be teaching Hands Only CPR and Growing Works Nursery and Assemblymember Irwin will be giving away FREE native plants as long as supplies last.
Join us to gather information so that you can be prepared.
Presentation Schedule
911 in the 805 will feature these presentations and speakers:
Scherr Forum Theatre
10:30 - Drought 411 – Assemblymember Irwin will host an informative discussion with local water agencies, the Park District and Ventura County Fire regarding conservation, restrictions, future plans and how we can plan as a community for the drought.
11:45 - How to Preserve your Home Landscape in a Drought – The Ventura County Master Gardeners will explain how to preserve treasured trees and plantings, explore choices for future plantings that take into account water availability, connect fire and native aspects, and teach best practices for how to move an appropriate amount of water to those plant assets. This panel of experts will answer your questions and discuss how HOAs and residents can maintain a drought tolerant landscape.
Oak Room (Top Level)
10:45 - Insurance, What you need before and after a Fire and other Emergencies - California Department of Insurance
11:30 - Hardening Your Home Against Fire - Ventura Regional Fire Safety Council
12:15 - Ready, Set, Go-Wildfire Action Plan - Ventura County Fire Department
For more information or to inquire about a booth at the event, contact Nancy at 805-482-1904, Nancy.Frawley@asm.ca.gov
For more information on water conservation in Thousand Oaks, visit: www.toakswater.org
Visit the City of Thousand Oaks website.