- Joel Price
- (805) 370-0542

SACRAMENTO: Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks) and United States Senator Alex Padilla were honored by The Campaign for College Opportunity with their prestigious “Policy Legacy Award” for their visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to improve student achievement.
"In this milestone year, we are honored to celebrate those who have shared our vision of achieving student-centered transformation in higher education. Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin is one of these fearless leaders," said Jessie Ryan, president of the Campaign for College Opportunity. "Assemblymember Irwin has stood courageously to end exclusionary remedial course placement practices that were derailing the college dreams of many community college students. She has held the line over the past decade to close equity gaps, ensuring that all students have access and succeed in the transfer-level courses that support their college dreams."
“I am honored to receive this award from The Campaign for College Opportunity who has worked so hard over these past 20 years to improve equity and access for college students with the goal of improving student outcomes,” said Assemblymember Irwin. ”Working alongside The Campaign has been crucial as their work to promote successful, data driven policies through the California Community Colleges has helped eliminate a number of the barriers to college success through passage of AB 705 and AB 1705. These two bills have already proven to boost transfer levels in community colleges and led to improved educational outcomes for marginalized students.”
The Campaign for College Opportunity is a powerful force who are currently focused on affirming equity, ensuring inclusion and empowering action through their advocacy efforts.