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Community College Basic Skills Fund Championed by Assemblymember Irwin in Governor’s Budget

SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks) today announced that her plan to allow more community college campuses to implement innovative basic skills programs to improve student success rates has been placed into the Governor’s revised budget.

“I am very pleased to see that Governor Brown has included $60 million from Prop 98 to fund basic skills innovation in today’s budget revision,” said Assemblymember Irwin. “California has a tremendous opportunity to make this targeted one-time investment in our community college system that will have a long-term impact on the lives and success of students.”

Oxnard water might reach farmers by summer

Ventura County Star
By: Gretchen Wenner

"…Earlier this year, a simple proposal for ferrying ultrapure recycled water from a new facility to drought-stricken growers was tripped up by regulatory tangles.

But on Thursday, a meeting in Los Angeles convened by Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin, D-Thousand Oaks, revived the idea and left attendees feeling positive..."

Irwin Convenes Joint Hearing to Examine California’s Cybersecurity Preparedness

Irwin Cybersecurity

SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks) today convened a joint hearing of two key Assembly Committees to examine the policy steps needed to ensure accountability and transparency by state government as it addresses the ongoing threat of cyber security.  The hearing of the Select Committee on Cybersecurity and the Assembly Committee on Privacy and Consumer Protection focused on tangible actions the state can take to secure its assets.

“Cybersecurity is a national priority with critical importance in California,” said Assemblymember Irwin. “This committee will continue to work to accelerate the steps being taken to protect California from these cyber threats, and look for new solutions in a way that could serve as an example to other states and the nation as a whole.”

New Chinooks enhance Cal Guard’s mission capability - Defense Video and Imagery Distribution System News

STOCKTON, Calif. - New upgrades to an old workhorse are bringing added capability to the California National Guard’s helicopter fleet.

The Cal Guard has been replacing its aging CH-47D fleet, which consists of aircraft originally built in the 1960s and '70s, with brand new, high-tech CH-47F Chinooks.

… Also in attendance at the ceremony were 13th Assembly District Assemblywoman Susan Talamantes Eggman, 44th Assembly District Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin and 26th Assembly District Assemblyman Devon Mathis.

Assemblywoman Irwin Honors Ventura County Supervisor Kathy Long as 2015 Woman of the Year

SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks) today recognized Kathy Long, Ventura County Supervisor, as the Woman of the Year for the 44th Assembly District.

“It is an honor to recognize Kathy Long for her 35 year policymaking career. Kathy Long is a remarkable woman who has made a profound and positive difference in the lives of the people she represents,” Irwin said. She is well known for creating alliances for the benefit of the health, welfare and public safety of Ventura County residents.

Irwin ramps things up

OUT OF THE NO-SPIN ZONE – Freshman Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin of Thousand Oaks may have set some sort of record for longest time served as an legislator without promoting herself. She was sworn into office on Dec. 2, and it was not until last week that her office issued its first press release.

Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin Announces Legislative Package focusing on Improving Veterans Employment

SACRAMENTO – Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks) introduced Assembly Bill 930 and Assembly Bill 931, two bills which aim to improve employment opportunities for California’s veteran population. AB 930, a bill joint-authored by Speaker Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego), will codify and expand the successful Work for Warriors program currently operated by the California Military Department. AB 931 will broaden the group of veterans eligible for the new hiring tax credit created in 2013.

“As Chair of the Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee, I am mindful of the challenges faced by Veterans in securing gainful employment once their service has concluded,” said Assemblywoman Irwin. “AB 930 will expand Work for Warriors to all current and former members of the Armed Services, as well as their spouses and dependents. This bill will also facilitate a partnership with the Employment Development Department to provide continued efficiency in helping connect unemployed veterans with jobs.” Work for Warriors is the most efficient Veteran job placement program in the country with a per placement cost of less than $650 and has placed nearly 4000 veterans to in less than three years.

California AG Targets Fundraisers

The Nonprofit Times

Legislation unveiled by California’s top charity official would add disclosure requirements for paid commercial fundraisers and extend the statute of limitations from five years to 10 years in cases of misconduct.

Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin and Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Announce Legislation to Increase Transparency and Accountability for Commercial Charitable Fundraisers

SACRAMENTO – Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks) introduced Assembly Bill 556 to uphold consumer confidence in charitable giving. The measure is sponsored by Attorney General Kamala D. Harris. Specifically, the bill closes a loophole in the law regarding commercial fundraisers who raise money on behalf of nonprofit organizations and extends a 10-year statute of limitations to include commercial fundraisers and other third parties who aid and abet charity misconduct.

“As a city councilmember and board member of local nonprofits in Ventura County, I saw the enormous positive impact that charities have on our communities,” said Assemblywoman Irwin. “AB 556 will help keep bad behavior by a few from undermining the confidence that Californians have in the more than 70,000 active nonprofit organizations doing great work in California. I commend Attorney General Kamala Harris for her work on this issue and look forward to working with her on AB 556.”